We talked about the exam. The exam has two parts. In the first part of the exam you will be asked to choose two out of four passages. For these two passages, you will be asked to do what you did in the short test that you took in February: identify the author of the passage (the names will not be given), describe what the author is saying, and evaluate the passage’s significance by showing how it is related to the broader theory or argument that the author advanced. The passages will be drawn from the readings we have done throughout the course.
In the second part, you will be asked to write an essay. I listed two topics for the material since we last had a paper assignment. Since you choose the topic, you can prepare your essay in advance.
The essays and instructions are on a handout that is posted on Sakai.
Then we did the fun part. If you click it, it should expand to fill the window; click again to come back.
Camilla, Anikka, Conor, Adam, Mazvita, Joon, Autumn
Greer, Molly, Miriam, Niyati, Daisy
Megan, Sophia, Nico, Ryan
Meera, Molly, Tova, Helena, Will, Michael Green
Missing: Justin