We talked about the final exam. It will have two parts. One part will involve identifying passages from the readings while the other part will be an essay. The essay topics are on a handout; it is available through the Sakai site.
The exam schedule is listed in the syllabus. For confirmation, see the Registrar’s calendar.
Having done that, we took the class picture. (Clicking should make it bigger.) The members of this class did an exceptional job of talking with one another and it was a joy to be part of it. Hurrah!
I’m not very good at getting these pictures set up. I have to remember which button to push and which knob to turn. It’s amusing to watch someone who has bought more camera equipment than he knows how to use struggle with it. I know this. Plus there is always some nervous laughter when you take a group picture. And this group just laughs all on its own.
So I was prepared for some giggles. But I was caught off guard when I was taking test pictures. The class was roaring. Why?
A little later, Berto sent me a series of pictures that let me in on the joke.
Man attempting to remember how his camera works.
The guy in the black jacket sees what’s happening.
I am still working on it, quite oblivious to my suroundings.
I think I know what’s going on: all this fiddling with the camera is making people laugh.
I’m clueless and Professor Davis is moving in.
I think I’m telling the story about how the tripod collapsed last year.
I give up and try to finish the task. I still have no idea Professor Davis is back there.