The State of Nature
Hobbes starts the same way Plato did. In order to understand the
state, he imagines what life would be like without it. He calls this the
state of nature.
In today’s reading, Hobbes argues that the state of nature would be
extremely bad. In the readings for next time, we will see how he argues
that there is no way of making the state of nature tolerable without
political authority. Taken together, they explain why states are good:
they put an end to the “war of all against all” or conflict among
Hobbes gives three reasons for thinking that people in the state of
nature would be “in that condition which is called war” and, more
specifically, a war “of every man, against every man” (13.8).
- Competition
- Diffidence
- Glory
How to Read Early Modern Philosophy
Here are two techniques for reading early modern philosophy (roughly
16th-18th century) that I find invaluable: backtracking and trees.
What I mean by backtracking is that whenever I find a little summary
statement, and especially one that mentions a specific number of
arguments, I immediately look back through the text to make sure I have
identified all the arguments.
For example there is a trigger to backtrack in this line in the sixth
So that in the nature of man, we find three principal causes of
quarrel. First, competition; secondly, diffidence; thirdly, glory.
(Leviathan 13.6)
He was good enough to give capsule summaries of each.
The first, maketh men invade for gain; the second, for safety; and
the third, for reputation. The first use violence, to make themselves
masters of other men’s persons, wives, children, and cattle; the second,
to defend them; the third, for trifles, as a word, a smile, a different
opinion, and any other sign of undervalue, either direct in their
persons, or by reflection in their kindred, their friends, their nation,
their profession, or their name. (Leviathan 13.7)
After reading that, I know that the stuff I had read in the first
five paragraphs was supposed to show that there are three causes of
conflict that involve, respectively, gain, safety, and reputation. That
tells me how to chop up the text. You can see the fruits of my labor in
the gray outline headings that I added to the text.
Another useful technique is to look for the trees, especially at the
beginning of a chapter. Trees? Well, conceptual trees. Early
modern authors often start off with a root idea and then procede by
making branches off of it. That is what I am calling a conceptual tree.
For example, at the beginning of chapter thirteen, Hobbes says that
people are equal in body and mind. The next logical part of the
paragraph makes the point about bodily equality; the one after that is
about mental equality. If you pay attention to the first sentence, you
know where to find the major break points in the rest of the
The early moderns loaded up their writing with little tips like that.
Once you get in the habit of looking for them, you will find that they
are very useful. Plus it’s kind of fun to search them out. It’s like
finding clues in an ancient map.
OK, back the substance of the thing.
The first explanation of war in the state of nature links conflict to
scarcity: people fight for access to scarce resources. Hobbes says this
follows from a premise about equality, so we are going to have to start
with what he means in saying we are equal.
It is not obvious! Does he mean we are literally equal? That is
clearly false. But if he does not mean that, what does he mean? The way
to think about this is to think about what inequality would
amount to. Equality is supposed to give rise to the causes of war. What
kind of inequality would prevent war?
Another thing we will do is talk about what assumptions Hobbes is
making about the world in which people live and about their motivations.
For instance, Hobbes is assuming that there is scarcity. What else is he
The second explanation of war in the state of nature links conflict
to insecurity: diffidence, the opposite of confidence.
Here is another methodological hint for you. The Oxford English Dictionary (also known as the
OED) is your friend. It is the most comprehensive dictionary the
English language including ways of using words that have
dropped out of fashion. Here is the entry for
1. Lack of confidence or faith in someone or something; distrust;
mistrust, misgiving, doubt. Also: an instance of this; a doubt, a
misgiving. Now rare except as merged with sense 2.
2. Doubt in one’s own ability, merit, or judgement; lack of
self-confidence; modesty or shyness resulting from this.
Hobbes is clearly using meaning 1. As the entry notes, that is now
rare except when it is used along with meaning 2. You can see meaning 2
as well: people doubt their ability to defend themselves if attacked.
That is why you need the OED.
We can do the same thing here. What is Hobbes assuming both about how
the world works and about what people want?
For instance, what does he mean by “there is no way for any man to
secure himself, so reasonable, as anticipation” (13.4)? What is
In addition, why does he think it follows that if those who would
“otherwise would be glad to be at ease within modest bounds, should not
by invasion increase their power, they would not be able, long time, by
standing only on their defence, to subsist” (13.4)?
The third reason for conflict is the strangest. People fight for
reputation. It looks as though Hobbes is saying that we are just
quarrelsome, like drunks looking for a fight. If so, it is hard to see
how this is a cause of conflict that the state could solve. If we are
liable to fly off the handle for the slightest reason just because that
is the way we are, we will still be that way even with the state.
I do not think that is right. I think the concern with reputation has
a rational basis and that it makes sense to be more concerned about it
in the state of nature than it does in the commonwealth. A reputation
for defending your honor makes you look powerful and people who
look powerful actually become powerful by attracting
I do not want to go into that in our class time. I can make the point
only by using material outside of our readings and that would take us
too far afield. So I am just going to say that this is what I think is
going on and tell you that the support is found in chapter 10 of
Leviathan (our reading is chapter 13). I will put the relevant
passages in an appendix below, but
you may feel free to ignore them.
Main Points
Here are the main things you should know or have an opinion about
after today’s class.
- The three causes of conflict: competition, diffidence, and
reputation. What do those words mean and how do the explanations
- People lived without states for thousands of years. How does that
affect Hobbes’s argument, in your opinion?
Extra: Glory and Power
The third cause of conflict is glory. What does that mean? I think
Hobbes thought of it as a source of power. People ally themselves with
those who they think are powerful. And one way of looking powerless is
by letting insults go without retaliating. Here are the parts of the
book where I think he says that; they are from chapter 10.
The power of a man, (to take it universally,) is his present
means, to obtain some future apparent good; and is either
original or instrumental.
Natural power, is the eminence of the faculties of body, or
mind: as extraordinary strength, form, prudence, arts, eloquence,
liberality, nobility. Instrumental are those powers, which
acquired by these, or by fortune, are means and instruments to acquire
more: as riches, reputation, friends, and the secret working of God,
which men call good luck. For the nature of power, is in this point,
like to fame, increasing as it proceeds; or like the motion of heavy
bodies, which the further they go, make still the more haste.
The greatest of human powers, is that which is compounded of the
powers of most men, united by consent, in one person, natural, or civil,
that has the use of all their powers depending on his will; such as is
the power of a common-wealth: or depending on the wills of each
particular; such as is the power of a faction or of divers factions
leagued. Therefore to have servants, is power; to have friends, is
power: for they are strengths united.
Also riches joined with liberality, is power; because it procureth
friends, and servants: without liberality, not so; because in this case
they defend not; but expose men to envy, as a prey.
Reputation of power, is power; because it draweth with it the
adherence of those that need protection.
So is reputation of love of a man’s country, (called popularity,) for
the same reason.
Also, what quality soever maketh a man beloved, or feared of many; or
the reputation of such quality, is power; because it is a means to have
the assistance, and service of many.
Good success is power; because it maketh reputation of wisdom, or
good fortune; which makes men either fear him, or rely on him. (Hobbes,
Leviathan 10.1-8)
Here we start with a tree. The root concept is power. This is divided
into two branches: original (or natural) and instrumental. Original or
natural power is the power you have on your own: your strength or
intelligence, say. While important, it is not very interesting. There is
not much to say about it beyond “some people have it and others do
Instrumental powers are more interesting. These are powers that
enable you to gain more power. Riches, reputation, and good luck are
examples. Why does having these things enable someone to gain more
power? Because they attract other people. Everyone wants to be
on the side of a powerful person, roughly.
That is what is going on with glory. The reason why people fight over
small insults to themselves or their group is that letting the insults
go would be a sign that you are not powerful. You would rather absorb
the insult than risk a fight. You must be afraid that you would lose and
that means you are probably not very powerful. Glory moves people to
fight in order to preserve their reputation for power, in other words.
And they care about their reputation for power because having a
reputation for power makes someone genuinely powerful. It does so
because potential allies will only want to work with powerful
Gat, Azar. 2006. War in Human Civilization. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Hobbes, Thomas. (1651) 1993. Leviathan. Edited by Mark C.
Rooks. British Philosophy: 1600-1900. Charlottesville, VA: InteLex