About the notes
It’s rare to learn things the first time out, therefore, I summarize the main points of each lecture. Repetition can help even the best of us. More selfishly, sometimes I want to pursue a point that I did not have time to discuss in the lectures. That sort of thing will be of interest to students who just can’t get enough. Finally, I have occasionally outlined especially difficult articles and given some references to further reading.
- The image of God. (3 Jan)
- Augustine, Confessions, 1-6, 10.35, 13.21. (5 Jan)
- Augustine, Confessions, 7-8. (10 Jan)
- Descartes, Meditations, 1-2. (12 Jan)
- Descartes, Meditations, 3. (17-19 Jan)
- Descartes, Meditations, 4-5. (24 Jan)
- Descartes, Meditations, 6. (26 Jan)
- Hamlet, Hobbes, and ghosts. (31 Jan)
- Hume, Enquiry, §§II-III. (7 Feb)
- Hume, Enquiry, §§IV-V. (9 Feb)
- Hume, Enquiry, §VII; Malebranche. (14 Feb)
- Hobbes and Bramhall, pp. 1-14. (16 Feb)
- Hobbes and Bramhall, pp. 15-41. (21 Feb)
- Hume, Enquiry, §VIII. (23 Feb)
- Hume, Enquiry, §X, part 1. (28 Feb; update)
- Hume, Enquiry, §X, part 2. (2 Mar)
- Hume, Enquiry, §XI. (7 Mar)