Medical Ethics
Michael Green
Manuel Vargas
phone, office information

Medical Ethics: Center

This site is a resource for students in my course on Medical Ethics; all of the material in it is directed towards their interests. If you aren't a student, feel free to poke around, but don't be disappointed by the site's self-imposed limitations. It's not for research, it's for teaching.


Class announcements will be recorded here. No important announcement will be made here alone. These will be made in class and/or by email.

as of 6/3/98; 2:45:39 PM

1. Here's some information about the Final Exam. You can pick the exams up in the Tanner library now; this page gives the rules and the library hours.

2. The Environmental Defense Fund has summer internships that some of you may be interested in.

Old news: old announcements are stored here.

Good luck on the exam and have a great summer!

Class Notes

In this section, I'll record second thoughts, alternative ways of expressing points, and responses to points made in class. I think this part is a lot of fun.

Abortion, Euthanasia, Rationing.

Class Materials

The class syllabus, reading assignments, and other materials provided in class will be available here.

Office hours, etc., Syllabus, Readings, First Assignment, Second Assignment, Final Exam

This page was originally posted on 6/3/98; 2:45:38 PM and was last built on 6/3/98; 2:45:39 PM with BBEdit and Frontier 5 on a Macintosh running System 8.1.